Thursday 18 October 2018

Importance of Urinary Catheter Care

Urinary catheter-It is a tube like structure made up of latex, polyurethane and silicon.This is inserted into bladder of patient via urethra.It allow drainage of urine from bladder freely when urine retention occurred and patient is unable to pass urine.Another purposes also to make diagnosis of any urinary related disease.It may prescribed by doctor for short and long duration according to the patient condition.

 Why it is important to care of patient with catheter?-

Most of patients in hospital acquire another bacterial infections along with present illness.
Main factors for this includes sometimes wrong hospital practices and procedures and also care provided to the patient in home.patient and attendent should know regarding all procedures and treatment regimens.Urinary catheter is most important cause of another bacterial infection.That attain more awareness to provide perfect care after and during insertion.
In hospital setting according to protocols it's responsibility of nursing officer to provide care in her  three shifts of day. 

1.In morning shift around 9-10Am.
2.In evening shift around 2-3pm.
3.In night it's in two times.first around 9-10 pm and second around 5-6am

When patient is in home care settings same timings should follow.
Infections caused by urinary catheter is called catheter associated urinary tract infection(CAUTI Bundle)

Steps of catheter care in female patient-

1. Gather all supplies and equipments.

 *  Two big towels
 *  One small clean towel or washing cloth.
 *  Basin of water. Temperature of water       should maintained according to patient   comfort.
 *  Soap
 *  Gloves

2. Provide privacy to patient and adjust bed as patient and your own comfort.
3. Wash hand with soap and dry well.
4. Spread one big towel under perineal area to avoid bedsheets contamination.
5. Wear gloves.
6. Wet cloth or small towel with water and apply soap on it.
7. Seprate thighs well to expose perineal area well and clean perineal area gently. Open meatus with one hand and hold catheter near the meatus to prevent pulling off of catheter. with the help of another hand apply washcloth on catheter closets to meatus and wipe gently tube downward in one direction. Change site of wet cloth with each wash and repeat 4-5 times or more.
8. Take another dry towel and wipe wet area with it.
9. Discard water in basin and gloves carefully.

In male patients- 

All equipment are same used in female patient and procedure also same unless-
1. Hold penis straight upward with one hand and with another hand apply wet cloth with soap and clean gently area and skin around the catheter. Also clean penis and scrotum well.
2. Clean catheter for 4inch from insertion site.

These practices can prevent patient from any complications and another infections to occur. It is very important to provide care in regular manner if you skip than infection may occur. 

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