Sunday 28 October 2018

What is diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is formation of hollow sac cavities through intestinal wall. Found throughput the large intestine and most common in sigmoid.

Person can have many out pouching area is diverticula and or single called diverticulum.
When diverticulitis occur there is formation of hollow sac from diverticulum.

Patient with disease is usually asymptomatic and sometimes get experience disturbed bowel pattern and bloating.


Causes are not 100% known .

- low fiber diet.
- constipation and cause Increased pressure on wall cause herniation.


1. Colonoscopy-  tube inserted inside the colon through rectum with camera and visualised on screen.

2. Barium anema- It is X- Ray examination in which a contrast with barium metal element delivered into the colon. And X- Ray taken of area where this barium moved and give pictures if obstructions occur.

3. CT scan of abdomen.


1. Painless bleeding , blood with stool. Rupture of diverticula leads to leak of the content in abdomen which may cause peritonitis.

2. Strictures and obstructions.

3. Formation of fistula ( abnormal connection between organ and other organ ). Most common fistula occur from intestine to the bladder are most common which leads to the leakage of all content and bacteria into the bladder.

4. Mainly this disease is supposed to cause by entering of stool ito the pouch of intestine which may cause inflammation and other cause will be the eating of seed food. So these food have to avoid.

5. Other cause are Increased pressure to the colon that lead to the ruptures of diverticula and invade by bacteria cause abscess formation.

6. Abscess formation may lead to peritonitis and obstruction and lead to pain , fever and Increased wbc count.

Sign and symptoms-

1. Pain in left lower quadrant.

2. Bloating of stomach.

3. Unrealting cramps - intense pain like the child birth pain of 6 child.

4. Constipation or diarrhea.

5. High temperature due to infection.


1. Drain abscess of infected pouch.

2. In mild cases oral antibiotics and bowel rest ordered by doctor.

3. In moderate case I.V antibiotics , hospital stay , IV fluid and bowel rest ordered.

4. In cronic cases bowel resection may need multiple surgeries where can't may be recommend.

Patient care-

1. Focus on GI assessment.

2. Administer IV antibiotics in the severe cases and oral if mild cases. 

3. Diet should maintain NPO ( mill per oral ) and administer IV fliud as per ordered.

4. Nurse have to monitor sign and symptoms of peritonitis for unrelating fever , Increased pain , incIncrea pulse rate , Increased Heart rate , Increased bloating and hydration.

5. When symptoms recover as per the the doctor order strat clear liquid , broaths , pulp free clear juice.

6. Low fiber diet should provide to patient to work intestine in good work. Diet included white rice , cooked / skimmed fruits , vegetables , egg and no high fibers.

7. When patient get improved than have to provide high fiber diet to avoid constipation. Diet included fresh veg , fruits , grains , beans , plenty of fluid 2-3 l per day.

8. As per doctor ordered administer psyllium which absorb water from intestine and help to pass stool easily.

9. Probiotic also help to maintain health flora.

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